Woly Oval Broad Gents Synthetic Select Size

Woly Oval Broad Gents Synthetic Select Size


SKU Product Qty Per Pack Price Qty
18845 Woly Oval Broad Synthetic Shoe Tree Gents 6 - 7 E39-41 1 £8.35
188410 Oval Broad Synthetic Gents 10 - 12 E44-46 1 £8.35


Woly logoWoly Gents Synthetic Shoe Tree  

This gents shoe tree comes in 3 different sizes to cover most ladies gents footwear. With a metal spring for placing into the shoe easily, and a plastic former to ensure it is kept lightweight for storage. Stop your shoes from creasing or drooping during storage and keep their new shape for their lifespan.

Who can use Woly Shoe Tree?

- Shoe trees are great for storing most ladies shoes (The spring means they can cover various sizes with one shoe tree)
- Helps to prevent creasing in shoes associated with poor storage techniques 
- Creasing in shoes can cause the leather to crack, or leave permanent crease marks 
- Spiral metal spring gives the shoes the right amount of tension  
- Shoe trees are great for holding leather taught while cleaning or applying protector to the shoes

Further Information   

- Use the spring to fold the shoe tree slightly to get it into the shoe 
- Ensure shoe trees are comfortably placed in the shoe and the front mould takes up the front of the shoe as fully as possible  
- Store shoes in their usual way and keep shoe trees inserted whenever they are not being worn 
- Made of plastic for lightweight storage 

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