Offer Price-magix Colour Spray 180ml

Offer Price-magix Colour Spray 180ml

From £8.99

Select a colour

SKU Product Qty Per Pack Price Qty
71402605 OFFER PRICE-Medium Brown 180ml 1 £8.99
71402606 OFFER PRICE-Dark Brown 180ml 1 £8.99
71402612 OFFER PRICE-Magix Navy Blue 180ml 1 £8.99
71402620 OFFER PRICE-Magix Scarlet 180ml 1 £8.99
71402622 OFFER PRICE-Magix Maroon 180ml 1 £8.99
71402640 OFFER PRICE-Magix Bark 180ml 1 £8.99
71402644 OFFER PRICE-Magix Russet 180ml 1 £8.99
71402647 OFFER PRICE-Magix Natural 180ml 1 £8.99
71402649 OFFER PRICE-Magix Vanilla 180ml 1 £8.99
71402653 OFFER PRICE-Magix Golden Brown 180ml 1 £8.99
71402678 OFFER PRICE-Magix Sapphire 180ml 1 £8.99
71402614 Magix Colour Spray Grey 180ml 1 £16.63


Magix Leather Spray Colourant Dye / Large 180ml can - magix logo

Magix has long mastered the art of colouring leather materials both natural and synthetic with immense covereage.  Ideal for large areas especially good for car seats and sofas.  Easy spray application.

The benefits of using Magix

There are many benefits of using magix spray
- quick spray
- Easy to apply formula with immense cover
- Small amount of product goes a LONG way

How to applyMagix

- Choose your colour
- Mask any areas you do not want to cover
- Clean the surface
- Once happy with the colour - test on a hidden area 
- Spray and leave to dry before applying another coat
- If needed, reapply another layer until you are satisfied with the coverage 

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